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Here's What You Need To Know About This Weekend's Meeting Of The G20 Finance Leaders

geithner waving

Sophia Drossos at Morgan Stanley has the best rundown of this weekend's meeting of G20 finance ministers in Korea:


Our main take-away from the G20 Finance Ministers meeting is that the officials shifted the focus of their statement from the need for fiscal stimulus to support the recovery to the need for fiscal consolidation. This conveys that policymakers are becoming increasingly cognizant about investor concern regarding the sustainability of public finances. With policymakers legitimizing this concern, we expect fiscal issues to remain a key driver for currency markets. 

 The G20 Finance Ministers promised to safeguard the recovery but replaced their previous endorsement of budget stimulus measures with a pledge to pursue credible growth-friendly measures to deliver fiscal sustainability. The tension surrounding these objectives was evident in the press conferences following the meeting. While French Finance Minister Lagarde noted that fiscal consolidation is 'priority number 1', US Treasury Secretary Geithner called for stronger demand in Japan, and European countries with current account surpluses. Geithner's comments may underscore concern that some economies may be too reliant on currency weakness and exports to fuel their growth recovery. 

 The statement also acknowledged that the global economy continues to recover faster than expected, but noted that paces differ between regions. This part of the statement hints at prospects for further divergences in policy among major economies, as those with stronger banking systems and fewer credit frictions are experiencing a stronger recovery. This is likely to make coordination of policy across major economies more difficult. It also suggests the currencies of economies where central banks have begun to normalize monetary policy are likely to outperform currencies of economies where central banks look set for a late policy exit. This dynamic should be most negative for EUR and GBP, in our view, while CAD and some EM currencies such as BRL look more likely to benefit

 The G20 warned that financial market turmoil poses a significant challenge to the recovery. But despite the reference to volatility, the communiqué stops short of singling out any specific developments in currency markets. Later in the press conferences, US Treasury Secretary Geithner mentioned that the G20 did discuss the need for a more flexible RMB policy, but this is in line with the usual agenda at these meetings. Regarding the EUR, UK Finance Minister Osborne said that the G20 had discussed developments in the Eurozone but did not talk about specific EUR levels. In fact, there was limited focus on FX in the post-meeting press conferences. This reinforces our view that volatility in currency markets has not reached a threshold that is likely to prompt official intervention, yet. 

 Finally, one issue that sparked debate between the delegations is the notion of a bank tax, which US and European economies have pushed for but Canada and Australia are opposed to. The G20 agreed to disagree, allowing countries to chose their own path on this issue. Separately, the G20 did agree to finalize bank capital rules by the November meeting.  

The Busan meeting paves the way for a G20 leaders summit in Toronto on June 26-27. With the Finance Ministers mostly focused on setting the agenda for the leaders summit, there were no major breakthroughs

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